Inspired in Chichen Itza? Do you need more information? Here are the top 9 facts about Chichen Itza!!!
Chichén Itzá is one of the main archaeological sites of the Maya culture in the Yucatán peninsula.
It consisted of a city that went through various periods and influences of the different peoples who occupied it and promoted it since its foundation. It is also one of the seven wonders of the modern world.
In this part, we present facts you may not have known about this incredible city:
1. The sound of the Quetzal
An electro-acoustic effect occurs in a staircase of the main pyramid of Kukulkan in Chichen Itza. When a person claps, the sound is given in the form of a distorted echo and generates a sound that simulates the singing of a Quetzal.
2. A Cenote under the main pyramid of Kukulkan
In August 2015, archaeologists discovered a cenote under the pyramid of Kukulkan. This new finding would be the fifth cenote, the point where the Sacred Ceiba extended its roots that reached the underworld, and its branches reached the four cardinal points (north, south, east, and west).
3. Ceremonial objects at the bottom of the Sacred Cenote
Research teams have found ceremonial objects at the bottom of the Sacred Cenote and bones of animals and people. However, it is uncertain.
There are theories that the Mayas practiced human sacrifices; others believe that, in reality, these remains reached the bottom of the cenote as part of funerary rituals. They would have arrived there after their death. Others say that the purpose of throwing living beings was not to cause their death but to make them intercede with the lords of the underworld.
They all agree that these rituals were intended to mediate with the entities of Xibalba to ensure rain and good harvests in the region.
4. The Pyramid of Kukulkan has 365 steps
The temple of Kukulkan has four staircases of 91 steps each, totaling 364, and with the upper platform, they add up to 365 in total. Each step represented the days of the Mayan calendar of Haab, which fits perfectly with the calendar we use today.
5. A world heritage wonder
Chichen Itza is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988. Also, in 2007, it was considered one of the “New Seven Wonders of the Modern World” as part of a private initiative where people choose the sites they are most interested in.

6. The meaning of Chichen Itza
Chichen Itza means “the city at the edge of the well of the Itzaes.”
7. the giant ball game in Mesoamerica
The Ball Game of Chichen Itza is the largest in Mesoamerica, 70 meters wide and 169 meters long.
The idea of this game was to place a rubber ball in the hoop at the top of the wall, using elbows, knees, and head.
8. The descent of the feathered serpent
The design of this pyramid is made by Mayan architects who mastered the knowledge of the stars and, in particular, of the sun. For this reason, they placed the pyramid so that the sunlight could cast its shadow on the sides of the staircase.
This shapes the body of one of their deities, Kukulkan, the feathered serpent whose head is sculpted at the foot of the pyramid.
9. Chichen Itza belongs to an American
At the beginning of the 20th century, the American Edward Herbert Thompson bought the property where Chichen Itza is located, mainly to drain the Sacred Cenote and extract numerous objects such as jewelry and utensils made of gold, copper, and jade.
After several actions by the Mexican government to recover the land that belonged to the state, today, it is the property of the state of Yucatan.
Do you need more facts about Chichen Itza, you can alos read Why Chichen Itza is so Importat?